The Gift Of Everything


When you buy this gift, you don’t have to choose which of our projects you’d like to support - your sponsorship goes directly towards all of our projects for the planet. 100% of the money raised through this shop is allocated to the projects listed below.

As a Cloudforests benefactor, you will become part of our story across all of our sites as we:

  • Create wildflower meadows and manage our existing meadows to support Irish insect pollinators and birds;

  • Develop and maintain habitats for the wildlife living in and around our Cloudforest locations;

  • Support the NIHBS beekeepers and hives as we work to conserve the native Irish honey bee, and help protect it from decline due to imported bee populations;

  • Create urban forests and biodiversity hotspots in schools and communities throughout Dublin and other Irish towns;

  • And of course, our main mission… Help to reforest Ireland as we create 100 forests along the Wild Atlantic Way!

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This Gift For The Planet

Supports the planting of One Tree on one of our Cloudforests on Ireland’s West Coast

Supports the planting of One Tree at one of our Urban micro Cloudforests which would typically be planted in a school

Supports the planting of native Irish wildflowers and Shrubs on our Cloudforests to support all pollinators

Supports the conservation of the Native Irish Honey Bee through our work with the NIHBS creating conservation areas on our sites.

Supports the introduction of miniature bat caves on our sites.

Supports the introduction of bird nesting boxes on our sites.