Cloudforest Two

Nearest Town - Carrigaholt, County Clare

Cloudforest 2 is at Carrigaholt on the Loop Head peninsula in County Clare. The name ‘Carrigaholt’ means the ‘Town of the Rock of the Fleet,’ and its origin is traceable to the anchorage for vessels, under a rock, on the shore. It is home to Ireland’s only resident bottlenose dolphins.

The port is also overlooked by a 15th century castle, built by the MacMahon family in 1480, seen here on one of our aerial shots taken on Friday. This is where the Shannon meets the Atlantic. The village is also home to 2015 pub of the year "The Long Dock", which I am sure will become a popular destination for our CoolPartners when they visit the site!

These are forests for the planet and digital age. #makingplanetearthcool #shannon#loophead #tourism #sustainability #environment #nature #wildlife

  • Forest Stats

    No. Trees


    Forest Planted

    2022/23 winter planting season

    Species Mix

    Alder, Sitka Spruce

  • Why That Tree?

    Ireland has a bit of a love-hate relationship with Sitka Spruce - it’s an amazing carbon capturing machine, fast growing and produces excellent timber, but Sitka forests are typically desolate places, devoid of activity. We hear ya. And we’re hoping to change that!

    Sometimes, we have to plant Sitka to satisfy the forestry requirements for a particular area. But rest assured, our Cloudforests are here to stay - we’re not in it for the timber. So where we have to plant Sitka to meet our obligations, we make sure to do so sensitively.

    We create biodiversity corridors of other native tree mixed throughout the Sitka to ensure wildlife can still make the most of our forests. As the trees mature and eventually die, they’ll be replaced with native Irish species.

    You can read more here.

Aerial of the site taken June 2021


The view to Carrigaholt Harbour

DJI_0440 (1).JPG

Carrigaholt Harbour - where the Shannon meets the Atlantic Ocean


A short video of Cloudforest 2 taken in June 2021 - planting was completed in early 2023.


Cloudforest One - Lahinch, County Clare


Cloudforest Three - Doonaha, County Clare