Solar Evolution Celebrates Their One Year Anniversary

Congratulations to Solar Evolution (CoolPartner 012) which celebrated its one-year anniversary last Friday.

Solar Evolution are renewable energy professionals committed to a sustainable future that helps commercial and industrial companies produce their own electricity, efficiently, reliably, and economically. Solar Evolution is also our renewable energy designer for our partner retreats and will be providing a turnkey solar solution for Cloudforest One which includes battery storage, electric vehicle charging, and online reporting.

David Whelan, CEO, and Brigid Walsh, Co-Founder & Project Director at Solar Evolution Ltd. commented on the anniversary by saying:

The team of Solar Evolution Ltd. is very excited to celebrate our one-year anniversary! It’s been a great year, we have had many major milestones, one of which was becoming part of the CloudForests community. As part of our CoolPartner Partnership, we decided to plant a tree for every client on the commissioning of their Solar PV System, working together to reduce our carbon emissions.

In the above graphic, you can see how much Solar Evolution has achieved in the past year, so expect even more to come from the team in their 2nd year.


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